Ockelbo Home Cities and Places Ockelbo Welcome to Ockelbo! Ockelbo is located in the northern parts of Gästrikland. The municipality consists of the small town of Ockelbo and surrounding villages, such as Åmot, Lingbo and Jädraås. Some highlights from Ockelbo Wij Gardens One of the most famous Swedish gardens with six show gardens. Stimulate not just the senses of smell and sight, but of being and relaxation. Stilleben Sweden Traditional village life with small scale and genuine wilderness activities. A place to escape from our chaotic daily lives where you can take a deep breath, switch of your mobile phone and relax. Destination Jädraås Enjoy nature in the beautiful manor house of Jädraås Herrgård, dating back to 1856. More products from the Ockelbo area <% categoryById(item).text %> <% geoById(item).text %> <% formatOccasionDate(occasions.start) %> - <% formatOccasionDate(occasions.end) %> <% facilityById(item).label %>
Wij Gardens One of the most famous Swedish gardens with six show gardens. Stimulate not just the senses of smell and sight, but of being and relaxation.
Stilleben Sweden Traditional village life with small scale and genuine wilderness activities. A place to escape from our chaotic daily lives where you can take a deep breath, switch of your mobile phone and relax.
Destination Jädraås Enjoy nature in the beautiful manor house of Jädraås Herrgård, dating back to 1856.